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16 Ocak 2011 Pazar

Defender Chronicles Cheat Hacked Save - com.chillingo.defenderchronicles.plist

 Greetings, i made a Defender Chronicles save file which is compatible with  Defender Chronicles iphone vers 1.4.2 and also Defender Chronicles ipad HD version 1.5. Here are some pics of save game:

 Pictures are taken from Defender Chronicles HD 1.5 version for maximum visibilitiy. As you can see, Both heroes have a armor that buffs nearly all-needed stuff: poison to all(except mages and embassy units), rage to all infantries (again, except mages and embassy units), +5 movement speed to all infantries, +65278 to inital gold, +500 attack radius to all mages, rage to general, +500 attack radius to all archers(melven item-equipped).

 Also all heroes are buffed to 254 skill points to all skills,+ 65268 imperial token.

The very reason that why i made this hacked save is this: Im a loyal dc player. I played from the beginning of this game, and i have nearly all iap items,too. I really paid for all of these(if devs want proof, i can show my app store receipts). But because of lacking of an option to cloud saving- i lost my savegame data due to some hardware failures, restores, updates, swapping to ip4 and ipad. I get sick and tired of endless start over. So i love this game, but sorry devs i have to hack this game.

 As for the players: please dont use this save game with open feint and game center. Im not using them- so dont! U can mess game center-get banned from open feint - You have been warned...

And also u will lose all your previous save game. But to be honest,with the stats like these- who cares :)

What u need:
First double click on home and close defender chronicles (or dc hd) from running background.
 Knowledge of SSh into your idevice (google is your friend- no its your uncle :) , /or basic usage of iphone explorer. Jailbreak is a must. and update to ios 4.2.1 is NOT. Iphone explorer dont work on ios 4.2.1 devices. Put the save data (*.plist files) into /user/applications/xyz/ /library/preferences/
Every device has different xyz values, so find your app data by looking at folder names, in phone 'the folder' must include  D.Chronicles.app and in ipad 'the folder' must include  D.Chron HD.app. Go to /library/preferences/ from there. Replace com.chillingo.defenderchronicles.plist or com.chillingo.defenderchronicleshd.plist by my versions.
 Repoen the game  and enjoy the new stats.



p:  yankizulu.blogspot.com

See you on the ultimate side. ( or on DC2 )

The Gamemaster :)

ps: i know the pics are off a bit, but im sure that u got the point :)
pss: melwen got two items with nearly same attributes, dont be confused. Two heroes have ARMOR that matters.
psss: Is it just me or dc hd v.1.5 have a archmage bug? My 2 mages turn into dwarfs and then game crashes.. ftw?
pssss: Just who are the Elwin, Lovell?? New heroes? (these names can be found on savegame) And what is a moonmage?
psssss:My very first iphone game hack! Yay!

7 yorum:

  1. Whats the password for the rar file?

  2. As i said under file link;
    p: yankizulu.blogspot.com

    the password is: "yankizulu.blogspot.com"
    without quotes; ofc

  3. Hi. Thanks a lot for the hack, it works perfect on my ipad... Can you maybe make one only with lots of token and skillpoints? This would be great...
    Thanks in advance

  4. Token & skill points.. hmm i cant see the reason to do that, m8 -if u want, u can sell "the item" and keep the modified skill & imprerial tokens ..

  5. That is amazing man, works like a charm. Got a challenge for you though, try making game speed 20 times faster insted of the optional x4 that can be enabled. Make an item with max atk damage in case someone wants to spend some time in ultima. And last is it posible to increase a heroe atk speed? If so try aplying it with or without the atk speed. I rlly hope u can do this.

  6. Hi you have new link for download your nice hack?

  7. Download link is not dead m8-i just checked, if you have difficulties to access hotfile , try tunneling proxy pages like ktunnel etc.
